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[Shelling] Wordpress

By admin → Sunday, March 30, 2014
Hi all!
Today i'm going to show you how to upload shell in Wordpress software.

You will need:

1) Admin access to Worpress panel
2) Any php shell

First you need to go to:

Plugins -> Editor

[Image: regiontt.png]

Once there you can edit plugins installed on the site.
Choose any plugin you want...

[Image: regionhs.png]

For example i selected "Server buddy"
Now select one file from right site (It must be .PHP file)

[Image: regioncq.png]

When select you can edit it now.
Take your shell source and paste it there.
Now just save it. (If you got an error try other file,or simply you can't edit plugins)

[Image: regionkc.png]

You just need to access it now.
By default template in wordpress are located in:


We know our folder and name of the plugin we edited.

[Image: regionzt.png]

So our final link would be 

[Image: regionj.png]

[Image: regionqc.png]

That would be all for today... :)

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Ichsan Bahri

I'm Ichsan. A full time web designer. I enjoy to make modern template. I love create blogger template and write about web design, blogger. Now I'm working with Themeforest. You can buy our templates from Themeforest.

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