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how to install pitivi video editor in linux Kali

By admin → Monday, March 31, 2014
           Hy Friend, good night. On this night there was a bit of a way to install applications vidio editing in linux times. in this tutorial I use PiTiVi Video Editor for Video editing in Linux. First mate first download the file Pitivi VIDEO EDITOR friend can download it here Koetaradja48. If you're ready comrade Download files PiTiVi, we now begin to install PiTiVi, Him, True PiTiVi Video Editor Simple to install, only with 2 steps. Comrades can open a Terminal in Linux and the command:
                                                        apt-get update {enter}
                                                        apt-get install pitivi {enter}

Done friend. Simple 99%  
>>Source<< of the above ways I can from here on my own ... Next Source

     in this tutorial I created man, I worked with the Manual, if we work manually comrades, we must look for the tool first.

Ok guys,,,

comrade locate the file that we downloaded earlier
comrades can see my photos

Jika kawan sudah dapat sekarang kita perintah dpkg -i pitivi_0.15.2-0.1_all.deb { enter }

dpkg: error processing pitivi (--install):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
Processing triggers for desktop-file-utils ...
Processing triggers for gnome-menus ...
Processing triggers for shared-mime-info ...
Processing triggers for hicolor-icon-theme ...
Processing triggers for man-db ...
Errors were encountered while processing:

if you have a friend fails (erorr), There is a solution to me. Although erorr when we dpkg-i pitivi_0.15.2-0.1_all.deb gnui existing PiTiVi Video Editor comrades in :
 Applications >> Sound & video> pitivi Video. 
Comrades could see first, the time at the old click not appear Pitivi Applications

Ok guys, now we fix the erorr . His buddy 's next command : apt - get install - f [ enter]

If you're ready comrade open select PiTiVi video here
Applications >> Sound & Video > Video pitivi { Click }

ok friend how to install pitivi video editor in linux time is ready , good luck ,
Regards Koetaradja48

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Ichsan Bahri

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