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Google Market bug for Android, Jelly Bean Remote Target Download

By admin → Thursday, January 16, 2014

You need: 

1) Google Account
2) Android device
3) PC + browser

You can install infinity count of apps to remote device from browser on PC.

The key is:
1) if you entered your google account once on android device
2) If you manage to get hold of someone else account (gmail), you can install any apps from Google Play Market on this device.
3) without asking owner of device for agreement.

In such way you can install bad soft and also can install so many apps then memory of device will be filled 
Ichsan Bahri

I'm Ichsan. A full time web designer. I enjoy to make modern template. I love create blogger template and write about web design, blogger. Now I'm working with Themeforest. You can buy our templates from Themeforest.

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